amélioration continue amélioration continue

monitoring and continuous improvement

With the aim of continuous improvement, eloy water has always measured the operation, operating costs and discharge quality of the oxyfix® after its installation. Since 2013, a scientific follow-up of the French micro-stations has been formalised.

Mesure performances épuration

measuring the performance of the oxyfix® micro-system

With a Technical Approval for recognition as a current building technique, QB quality certification and inclusion in the C2P green list, oxyfix® already has a solid technical background.

However, we decided to test 10 installations under real conditions. We can now provide 60 months of usable statistics.


in real-life conditions

A tripartite agreement signed between the SPANC (French public service), the user and the manufacturer allowed us to test and analyse our micro-station in real conditions.


analysis of discharged water

Samples of discharges were collected, analysed and validated by COFRAC (French Accreditation Committee) accredited laboratories. It is responsible for issuing accreditations to organisations involved in conformity assessment.


a scientific protocol approach

We have set up an irreproachable, homogeneous measurement protocol, standardised on a national scale and over time. The samples were taken in the presence of the SPANC on a large and representative sample.

our certifications

mandatory step

French approval

European Compliance

voluntary step

Avis Technique


liste verte C2P

Treat yourself to extended warranties

entretien station épuration