let us take care of your commercial
and industrial projects
Apartment building, housing developments, administration buildings…your projects deserve solutions that meet your expectations and requirements. And, because you have no time to lose, we guarantee quality!
each project has its own specific technology

membrane bioreactor (MBR)
The membrane bioreactor is an advanced technology for the treatment of wastewater which combines biological treatment by activated sludge and filtration by membranes.
- 20 to 200 m³/day
- superior performances (BOD and TSS les than 5 mg/l)
- perfectly adapted to both industrial and domestic water

sequencing batch reactor (SBR)
The SBR process for Sequencing Batch Reactor from the treatment of wastewater in a single tank by alternating reaction and clarification sequences.
Airoxy® range : from 100 to 400 PE
- from 15 to 600 m³/d
- low sensitivity to load changes
- low operating costs

submerged aerated fixed film (SAFF)
It is based on the principle of treatment by immersed and aerated fixed biomass. Oxygen will activate bacteria that will degrade the pollution present in the water.
Oxyfix® range : from 100 to 400 PE
- from 0,75 to 60 m³.d
- easy station management
- adaptable load selector
you need expertise to carry out for your treatment projects ?
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Have a great day!
team eloy.